Way to success...

--"Running Away From Any PROBLEM Only Increases The DISTANCE From The SOLUTION"--.....--"Your Thoughts Create Your FUTURE"--.....--"EXCELLENCE is not ACT but a HABIT"--.....--"EXPECT nothing and APPRECIATE everything"--.....

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Query to check EBS application product license status

--Note: WHERE STATUS can be I - Licensed, S - shared , N - NOT Licensed

SELECT   SUBSTR (app.application_short_name, 1, 10) NAME, app.application_id,
         pi.product_version, pi.status, pi.patch_level
    FROM fnd_product_installations pi, fnd_application app
   WHERE app.application_id = pi.application_id
     AND app.application_short_name LIKE '&&Application_Short_Name' --Enter application short name here
ORDER BY app.application_short_name;

License Status for all products with patch level:

SELECT fat.application_name
      ,decode(fpi.STATUS,'I','Licensed', 'N','Not Licensed','S','Shared','Undetermined') STATUS
  FROM fnd_product_installations fpi
      ,fnd_application fa
      ,fnd_application_tl fat
 WHERE fpi.application_id = fa.application_id
   AND fat.application_id = fa.application_id
   AND fat.LANGUAGE = 'US';

Query to find Application short name:

SELECT fa.application_short_name, fat.application_id, fa.basepath,
  FROM fnd_application_tl fat, fnd_application fa
 WHERE fat.application_id = fa.application_id
   AND fat.application_name LIKE '%Cost%%Management%'; --Enter Application full name here

1 comment:

  1. Does Shared product require license payment to oracle ?
