Pre-requisites to Run the script:
Make sure mailx and sendmail is installed on your OS, also check below environements/file is created prior to execute the scripts.
This script is tested on Linux Server.
This script needs to be deployed in database node/server.
#Base location for the DBA scripts DBA_SCRIPTS_HOME=$HOME/DBA_MON
#OS User profile where database environment file is set $HOME/.bash_profile
Create Custom .sysenv file for scripts
Download .sysenv file and save it under $HOME/DBA_MON $ chmod 777 .sysenv
$ cat $HOME/DBA_MON/.sysenv
export DBA_SCRIPTS_HOME=$HOME/DBA_MON export PATH=${PATH}:$DBA_SCRIPTS_HOME export, #Below parameter is used in script, whenever there is planned downtime you can set it to Y so there will be no false alert. export DOWNTIME_MODE=N
Script to monitor all Tablespace Usage and to send alert notification if Tablespace free space % is less than given threshold.
This script takes care if any datafile is in autoextensible ON, so free space will
be calculated by considering the MAX Size of datafile.
Download and save it under $HOME/DBA_MON/bin/ $ chmod 755
#!/bin/bash ##################################################################################### # Script Name : # # # # Description: # # Script to monitor all Tablespace usage and # # to send alert notification if Tablespace free space % is less than given threshold# # # # Usage : sh <script_name> <ORACLE_SID> <%Free Threshold> # # For example : sh ORCL 10 # # # # Created by : Kiran Jadhav - ( # ##################################################################################### # Initialize variables INSTANCE=$1 THRESHOLD=$2 HOST_NAME=`hostname | cut -d'.' -f1` PROGRAM=`basename $0 | cut -d'.' -f1` export DBA_SCRIPTS_HOME=$HOME/DBA_MON APPS_ID=`echo $INSTANCE | tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]'` LOG_DIR=$DBA_SCRIPTS_HOME/logs/$HOST_NAME OUT_FILE=$LOG_DIR/`echo $PROGRAM`_$APPS_ID.html.out LOG_FILE=$LOG_DIR/`echo $PROGRAM`_$APPS_ID.log ERR_FILE=$LOG_DIR/`echo $PROGRAM`_$APPS_ID.err LOG_DATE=`date` # Source the env . $HOME/.bash_profile . $DBA_SCRIPTS_HOME/.sysenv if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "$LOG_DATE" > $LOG_FILE echo "Please pass correct environment : exiting the script \n" >> $LOG_FILE cat $LOG_FILE exit fi if [ -s $OUT_FILE ]; then echo "$LOG_DATE" > $LOG_FILE echo "Deleting existing output file $OUT_FILE" >> $LOG_FILE rm -f $OUT_FILE cat $LOG_FILE fi # If there is a plan downtime then create $ORACLE_SID.down file in $DBA_SCRIPTS_HOME to silent the alerts during maintenance window. if [ -f $DBA_SCRIPTS_HOME/`echo $ORACLE_SID`.down ]; then echo "$LOG_DATE" >> $LOG_FILE echo "Host: $HOST_NAME | Instance: $ORACLE_SID is under maintenance: exiting the script" >> $LOG_FILE cat $LOG_FILE exit fi if [ $DOWNTIME_MODE = "Y" ]; then echo "$LOG_DATE" >> $LOG_FILE echo "Host: $HOST_NAME | Instance: $ORACLE_SID is under maintenance: exiting the script" >> $LOG_FILE cat $LOG_FILE exit fi usage() { echo "$LOG_DATE" > $LOG_FILE echo "Script To Monitor Tablespace Usage" >> $LOG_FILE echo "Usage : sh <script_name> <ORACLE_SID> <%Free Threshold> " >> $LOG_FILE echo "For example : sh $ $ORACLE_SID 10" >> $LOG_FILE echo } if [ $# -lt 2 ] || [ "$INSTANCE" != "$ORACLE_SID" ]; then usage echo "Error : Insufficient arguments." >> $LOG_FILE cat $LOG_FILE exit fi get_count() { sqlplus -s '/as sysdba' <<! set heading off set feedback off select count(1) from ( select distinct a.tablespace_name, SUM(decode(b.maxextend, null, A.BYTES/1024/1024, b.maxextend*8192/1024/1024)) "Total (MB)", (SUM(a.bytes)/1024/1024 - round(c."Free"/1024/1024)) "Used (MB)", round(((SUM(a.bytes)/1024/1024 - round(c."Free"/1024/1024))/SUM(decode(b.maxextend, null, A.BYTES/1024/1024, b.maxextend*8192/1024/1024)))*100) "%Used", (SUM(decode(b.maxextend, null, A.BYTES/1024/1024, b.maxextend*8192/1024/1024)) - (SUM(a.bytes)/1024/1024 - round(c."Free"/1024/1024))) "Free (MB)", round(((SUM(decode(b.maxextend, null, A.BYTES/1024/1024, b.maxextend*8192/1024/1024)) - (SUM(a.bytes)/1024/1024 - round(c."Free"/1024/1024)))/SUM(decode(b.maxextend, null, A.BYTES/1024/1024, b.maxextend*8192/1024/1024)))*100) "%Free" --round(100*(SUM(a.bytes)/1024/1024 - round(c."Free"/1024/1024))/(SUM(decode(b.maxextend, null, A.BYTES/1024/1024, b.maxextend*8192/1024/1024)))) "UPercent" from dba_data_files a, sys.filext$ b, (SELECT d.tablespace_name , sum(nvl(c.bytes,0)) "Free" FROM dba_tablespaces d,DBA_FREE_SPACE c where d.tablespace_name = c.tablespace_name(+) group by d.tablespace_name) c where a.file_id = b.file#(+) and a.tablespace_name = c.tablespace_name GROUP by a.tablespace_name, c."Free"/1024 HAVING round(((SUM(decode(b.maxextend, null, A.BYTES/1024/1024, b.maxextend*8192/1024/1024)) - (SUM(a.bytes)/1024/1024 - round(c."Free"/1024/1024)))/SUM(decode(b.maxextend, null, A.BYTES/1024/1024, b.maxextend*8192/1024/1024)))*100) <= $THRESHOLD order by a.tablespace_name ); exit; ! } count=`get_count` #echo $count echo "$LOG_DATE" > $ERR_FILE get_count >> $ERR_FILE ERR_COUNT=`grep "ORA-" $ERR_FILE |wc -l` if [ $ERR_COUNT -gt 0 ]; then cat $ERR_FILE | mailx -s "<ERROR> Critical : $APPS_ID - Tablespace Free space is less than $THRESHOLD% on $HOST_NAME" $DBA_EMAIL_LIST exit fi if [ $count -gt 0 ]; then sqlplus -s '/as sysdba' <<EOF SET ECHO OFF SET pagesize 1000 set feedback off set lines 180 SET MARKUP HTML ON SPOOL ON - HEAD '<title></title> - <style type="text/css"> - table { background: #eee; } - th { font:bold 10pt Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif; color:#b7ceec; background:#151b54; padding: 5px; align:center; } - td { font:10pt Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif; color:Black; background:#f7f7e7; padding: 5px; align:center; } - </style>' TABLE "border='1' align='left'" ENTMAP OFF spool $OUT_FILE PROMPT Hi Team, PROMPT PROMPT Please check below Tablespaces which are having less than $THRESHOLD% of free space PROMPT select distinct a.tablespace_name, SUM(decode(b.maxextend, null, A.BYTES/1024/1024, b.maxextend*8192/1024/1024)) "Total (MB)", (SUM(a.bytes)/1024/1024 - round(c."Free"/1024/1024)) "Used (MB)", round(((SUM(a.bytes)/1024/1024 - round(c."Free"/1024/1024))/SUM(decode(b.maxextend, null, A.BYTES/1024/1024, b.maxextend*8192/1024/1024)))*100) "%Used", (SUM(decode(b.maxextend, null, A.BYTES/1024/1024, b.maxextend*8192/1024/1024)) - (SUM(a.bytes)/1024/1024 - round(c."Free"/1024/1024))) "Free (MB)", round(((SUM(decode(b.maxextend, null, A.BYTES/1024/1024, b.maxextend*8192/1024/1024)) - (SUM(a.bytes)/1024/1024 - round(c."Free"/1024/1024)))/SUM(decode(b.maxextend, null, A.BYTES/1024/1024, b.maxextend*8192/1024/1024)))*100) "%Free" --round(100*(SUM(a.bytes)/1024/1024 - round(c."Free"/1024/1024))/(SUM(decode(b.maxextend, null, A.BYTES/1024/1024, b.maxextend*8192/1024/1024)))) "UPercent" from dba_data_files a, sys.filext$ b, (SELECT d.tablespace_name , sum(nvl(c.bytes,0)) "Free" FROM dba_tablespaces d,DBA_FREE_SPACE c where d.tablespace_name = c.tablespace_name(+) group by d.tablespace_name) c where a.file_id = b.file#(+) and a.tablespace_name = c.tablespace_name GROUP by a.tablespace_name, c."Free"/1024 HAVING round(((SUM(decode(b.maxextend, null, A.BYTES/1024/1024, b.maxextend*8192/1024/1024)) - (SUM(a.bytes)/1024/1024 - round(c."Free"/1024/1024)))/SUM(decode(b.maxextend, null, A.BYTES/1024/1024, b.maxextend*8192/1024/1024)))*100) <= $THRESHOLD order by a.tablespace_name; SPOOL OFF SET MARKUP HTML OFF exit; EOF ( echo "To: $DBA_EMAIL_LIST" echo "MIME-Version: 1.0" echo "Content-Type: multipart/alternative; " echo ' boundary="PAA08673.1018277622/"' echo "Subject: Critical : $APPS_ID - Tablespace Free space is less than $THRESHOLD% on $HOST_NAME" echo "" echo "This is a MIME-encapsulated message" echo "" echo "--PAA08673.1018277622/" echo "Content-Type: text/html" echo "" cat $OUT_FILE echo "--PAA08673.1018277622/" ) | /usr/sbin/sendmail -t echo "$LOG_DATE" > $LOG_FILE echo "Details sent through an email" >> $LOG_FILE cat $LOG_FILE else echo "$LOG_DATE" > $OUT_FILE echo "Tablespace Usage is Normal" >> $OUT_FILE fi
Logs and Out files will be generated under $DBA_SCRIPTS_HOME/logs/$HOST_NAME So make sure to create logs/$HOST_NAME directory under $DBA_SCRIPTS_HOME before executing the script.
Once the script is ready, then as per the requirement please schedule it in crontab/OEM.
Execute the Script as below: Syntax : sh <script_name> <ORACLE_SID> <%Free Threshold> $ cd $HOME/DBA_MON/bin $ sh VIS 10
This script will send the notification with details if there are any tablespaces which are having less 10% of free space.
Sample Notification Mail:
ReplyDeleteThanks for the script. I have configured GMAIL as smtp in my vm. When it send mail to my gmail.. it is coming as attachmnt and not coming directly in gmail itself. I will have to download the file and open it in explorer. Please help me how to directly embed in gmail itself