Way to success...

--"Running Away From Any PROBLEM Only Increases The DISTANCE From The SOLUTION"--.....--"Your Thoughts Create Your FUTURE"--.....--"EXCELLENCE is not ACT but a HABIT"--.....--"EXPECT nothing and APPRECIATE everything"--.....

Sunday, January 24, 2016

Script to check workflow mailer service components status and send notification if DOWN

Pre-requisites to Run the script:

Make sure mailx and sendmail is installed on your OS, also check below environements/file is created prior to execute the scripts.

This script is tested on Linux Server.

This script needs to be deployed in database node/server.

#Base location for the DBA scripts

#OS User profile where database environment file is set

Create Custom .sysenv file for scripts


Download .sysenv file and save it under $HOME/DBA_MON
$ chmod 777 .sysenv
$ cat $HOME/DBA_MON/.sysenv

export DBA_EMAIL_LIST=kiran.jadhav@domain.com,jadhav.kiran@domain.com
#Below parameter is used in script, whenever there is planned downtime you can set it to Y so there will be no false alert.

Script WorkflowStatusCheck.sh to check workflow mailer service components status:


Download WorkflowStatusCheck.sh and save it under $HOME/DBA_MON/bin/
$ chmod 755 WorkflowStatusCheck.sh

################################################################################### # Script Name : WorkflowStatusCheck.sh # # # # Description: # # Script to check workflow mailer service components status and # # to send alert notification if one or more workflow mailer components are down # # # # Usage : sh <script_name> <ORACLE_SID> # # For example : sh WorkflowStatusCheck.sh ORCL # # # # Created by : Kiran Jadhav - (https://h2hdba.blogspot.com) # ################################################################################### # Initialize variables INSTANCE=$1 HOST_NAME=`hostname` PROGRAM=`basename $0 | cut -d'.' -f1` export DBA_SCRIPTS_HOME=$HOME/DBA_MON APPS_ID=`echo $INSTANCE | tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]'` LOG_DIR=$DBA_SCRIPTS_HOME/logs/$HOST_NAME OUT_FILE=$LOG_DIR/`echo $PROGRAM`_$APPS_ID.html.out LOG_FILE=$LOG_DIR/`echo $PROGRAM`_$APPS_ID.log ERR_FILE=$LOG_DIR/`echo $PROGRAM`_$APPS_ID.err LOG_DATE=`date` # Source the env . $HOME/.bash_profile . $DBA_SCRIPTS_HOME/.sysenv if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "$LOG_DATE" > $LOG_FILE echo "Please pass correct environment : exiting the script \n" >> $LOG_FILE cat $LOG_FILE exit fi if [ -s $OUT_FILE ]; then echo "$LOG_DATE" > $LOG_FILE echo "Deleting existing output file $OUT_FILE" >> $LOG_FILE rm -f $OUT_FILE cat $LOG_FILE fi # If there is a planned downtime then create $ORACLE_SID.down file in $DBA_SCRIPTS_HOME to silent the alerts during maintenance window. if [ -f $DBA_SCRIPTS_HOME/`echo $ORACLE_SID`.down ]; then echo "$LOG_DATE" >> $LOG_FILE echo "Host: $HOST_NAME | Instance: $ORACLE_SID is under maintenance: exiting the script" >> $LOG_FILE cat $LOG_FILE exit fi if [ $DOWNTIME_MODE = "Y" ]; then echo "$LOG_DATE" >> $LOG_FILE echo "Host: $HOST_NAME | Instance: $ORACLE_SID is under maintenance: exiting the script" >> $LOG_FILE cat $LOG_FILE exit fi usage() { echo "$LOG_DATE" > $LOG_FILE echo "Script To Check Workflow Mailer Components Status" >> $LOG_FILE echo "Usage : sh <script_name> <ORACLE_SID> " >> $LOG_FILE echo "For example : sh $PROGRAM.sh $ORACLE_SID" >> $LOG_FILE echo } if [ $# -lt 1 ] || [ "$INSTANCE" != "$ORACLE_SID" ]; then usage echo "Error : Insufficient arguments." >> $LOG_FILE cat $LOG_FILE exit fi get_count() { sqlplus -s '/as sysdba' <<! set heading off set feedback off select count(1) from ( select component_id, startup_mode,component_status,component_type,component_name from applsys.fnd_svc_components where component_status <> 'RUNNING' order by component_id ); exit; ! } count=`get_count` #echo $count echo "$LOG_DATE" > $ERR_FILE get_count >> $ERR_FILE ERR_COUNT=`grep "ORA-" $ERR_FILE |wc -l` if [ $ERR_COUNT -gt 0 ]; then cat $ERR_FILE | mailx -s "<ERROR> Critical : $APPS_ID - Workflow Mailer Components are DOWN on $HOST_NAME " $DBA_EMAIL_LIST exit fi if [ $count -gt 0 ]; then sqlplus -s '/as sysdba' <<EOF SET ECHO OFF SET pagesize 1000 set feedback off set lines 180 SET MARKUP HTML ON SPOOL ON - HEAD '<title></title> - <style type="text/css"> - table { background: #eee; } - th { font:bold 10pt Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif; color:#b7ceec; background:#151b54; padding: 5px; align:center; } - td { font:10pt Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif; color:Black; background:#f7f7e7; padding: 5px; align:center; } - </style>' TABLE "border='1' align='left'" ENTMAP OFF spool $OUT_FILE PROMPT Hi Team, PROMPT PROMPT Logon on to OAM (Oracle Applications Manager) and make sure the following processes are running, if not restart them. PROMPT select component_id, startup_mode,component_status,component_type,component_name from applsys.fnd_svc_components where component_status <> 'RUNNING' order by component_id; SPOOL OFF SET MARKUP HTML OFF exit; EOF ( echo "To: $DBA_EMAIL_LIST" echo "MIME-Version: 1.0" echo "Content-Type: multipart/alternative; " echo ' boundary="PAA08673.1018277622/server.xyz.com"' echo "Subject: Critical : $APPS_ID - Workflow Mailer Components are DOWN on $HOST_NAME " echo "" echo "This is a MIME-encapsulated message" echo "" echo "--PAA08673.1018277622/server.xyz.com" echo "Content-Type: text/html" echo "" cat $OUT_FILE echo "--PAA08673.1018277622/server.xyz.com" ) | /usr/sbin/sendmail -t echo "`date`" > $LOG_FILE echo "Details sent through an email" >> $LOG_FILE cat $LOG_FILE else echo "`date`" > $OUT_FILE echo "Workflow Mailer Components are up and running fine" >> $OUT_FILE fi

Logs and Out files will be generated under $DBA_SCRIPTS_HOME/logs/$HOST_NAME
So make sure to create logs/$HOST_NAME directory under $DBA_SCRIPTS_HOME before executing 
the script.

Once the script is ready, then as per the requirement please schedule it in crontab/OEM.

Execute the Script as below:

Syntax :  sh <script_name> <ORACLE_SID> 

$ cd $HOME/DBA_MON/bin
$ sh WorkflowStatusCheck.sh ORCL

This script will send alert notification if one or more workflow mailer components are down.

Sample Email Notification Output:

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